When we look around our cities, we see a need to Put Nature Back, so 10% of every dollar you spend is used to do just that. It isn't just our name, it's our mission.

Our Products
Ethically sourced. Safely screenprinted. Printed on-demand. A line of upcycled goods and housewares. All this and more is what we do to ensure that we make as small of a footprint as we can while still providing you with the highest quality products.
Putting Nature Back
Our planet does so much for us, but right now, she needs our help. Cities consume 78% of the world's energy and produce 60% of the greenhouse gas emissions. The way we're living is destroying our planet, but the steps we take to preserve and restore nature to our cities and surrounding areas will make a large and important contribution to the improvement of the health of our planet.

Philly: Untapped
Being one of the oldest cities in America has meant having to reintroduce nature more recently instead of building the city around nature. However, the city of Philadelphia still struggles to do this in many parts of the city, as there are roughly 40,000 vacant lots without owners and without plans of development. We at Put Nature Back see this as an opportunity, an opportunity to make Philadelphia and surrounding areas greener, healthier, more usable for humans and critters alike!
Make Your Dollar Mean More
Most eco-conscious companies only use money from their profits to do good, but not us. We believe that when you put your money toward a product and mission you believe in, more of that money should go to supporting that cause. That's why 10% of every dollar YOU spend is what goes to making an impact in our community and our world.